I mowed Monday and while mowing you played with "your girls" ...the 2 little girls who live next door to us. You had a blast playing basketball with them in THEIR driveway. Once I got done with the front of the house I told you to come around to the backyard with me. AND you did and the 2 little girls also went to their backyard. You all had a popsicle and talked and read books and played ball. Then I gave you each a small carton of orange juice to drink. Finally it was time for your lunch and they apparently went in for a nap. Before we went in I let you run through the garden hose to cool off which you loved.
Then late afternoon, early last night we decided to take a drive and run some errands but you really wanted to go visit Grandma C. So we did. You enjoyed sitting in her lap practically sharing her chair drawing train crossing signals to show her on your Doodle Pad. She did not want you to move or sit elsewhere....always remarking about how she loves to see you and enjoys your visits and misses you so much. We did not stay long but did have a nice visit.
We cruised town a couple of times before heading home which you thoroughly enjoyed. I KNOW if I still had my convertible you would love to ride around with the top down too.
I love you Noah.
Yes, Mom enjoyed his visit she was telling me tonight when I called, how he was sitting on the edge of the chair showing her things he was drawing. She also said he had on a nice ball cap. I told her to come down Sunday with you and Noah, and she would be home by supper time, and then if Sonny or Mike wanted to drop by they could. I doubt they would get there any earlier anyway. Love you both.
Noah...Great picture of you and Grandma Custer. I can tell that you both are enjoying each others company.
Love you, Daddy
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