Noah got a bit lippy with me the other day. I am trying really hard to teach him respect and to recognize different emotions and what they are and mean and then what to do about them and how to handle them. I told him by being lippy with his mother that was disrespectful and poor manners and made people feel bad....explained it pretty well to him I think. Here is what I found a few minutes later.
He had taken his doodle pad and drew a sad smiley face and ONE tear and the word SORRY and slid it into my office on the floor behind my office chair. SO HE IS GETTING IT! It is SINKING IN! Little by little he is making progress. This year in school I have decided if he slacks a bit off the academics so what. He was already ahead at least one full grade when he started. If he gains an entire year of social skill development and learns a lot in that will be HUGE for him and his life. AND the progress in his sad smiley face or any smiley face is huge. A few years ago he was asked to draw one as part of an assessment test. Noah drew a circle and filled it with dots.....a BUNCH of dots. No where could you find 2 eyes and a mouth and nose or anything like that. I find it interesting he drew the face...the sad smile and look at the eyes! He even used correct punctuation for his one-word sentence! A period.
Noah has gone an entire week almost without a computer. I did finally break down and let him use mine a couple of times to scan train stuff online. Well today his new PC came. He was THRILLED when he heard UPS pull up. He came running out shouting "it's here, it's here!!" and opened the door for the UPS man. It took merely seconds for us to have it plugged in and set up and ready to go. I got a refurbished PC from the link below....and it is FANTASTIC. Only cost 299.00 also. SO if you are in the market for anything good but cheaper than paying full might check them out!
And Noah.....mommy is so proud of you and the little man you are becoming. I know we have a long road ahead of us but I know it will be an exciting one and our lives will just keep getting better and better each day! I LOVE YOU TO THE MOON AND BACK AGAIN......forever and ever and ever.
mommy XOX
Boy this is a nice post and I know Noah liked getting the new computer. To go that long without one on must have been a real bore. I can't imagine what he did to fill in that time.
Tell him he will have to show grandpa how his computer works when grandpa comes to visit next time. Grandma will also come along.
Am also glad about the teeth thing. I think Noah will feel better about it too. If not right away, then eventually.
wow, noah!
congratulations on the progress you're making, everyone who knows you is so very proud
have fun on the new computer and just know all the doctors will do their best to make you better, so nothing to worry about
WOW!! It finally arrived, sounds like you are going to have a lot of fun. It might be hard for Mommy to stay off your computer, I understand the keyboard has a lot of nice features.
Have fun playing your games. Love you, Grandma
I see great progress. Your mom is doing a great job in teaching you the proper ways for a young man to behave. And you know what? We like to see many more smiley faces than sad ones..and we do too. You are doing quite well and mommy and daddy are quite happy.
I know how you love the were just so excited when it came you could hardl talk to me cause you were so busy playing a NEW game.
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