Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Noah's first Occupational Therapy visit

Today we took Noah for his first occupational therapy visit. It went very very well and he loved it. I was going to take my camera and take some pictures of the neat rooms and some video clips but I was also afraid she might not want me to do that and I wanted to get permission first. Seems someone should take pictures as I have checked online for pediatric physical or occupational therapy clinic rooms and I could not really find any. NOT LIKE these rooms anyway. Amazing rooms. EXACTLY the way I would make it if we had a basement or extra room and I could whip up a room for Noah at home.It is all padded on the floor....with HUGE tire swings hanging from the ceiling and everything is padded or soft. Noah got to use a rolling scooter board thing to slide down a ramp into soft padded blocks that tumbled down on him. He got to hang swing from ropes and jump on a trampoline. They have climbing walls...big huge bouncy balls and bins you can jump into that are filled with balls. Of course they do fine motor skills too...and he got to play some really neat games using putty and pegs....We were really impressed and he is so excited about going back again! I will take pictures and video clips next time to post!


Stacey T. said...

I want to go, I want to go! I'm so glad you found a great place for Noah!!!!

Anonymous said...

Dear Melinda,

In September Scribner will release Ann Bauer’s A Wild Ride Up the Cupboards, a riveting, insightful, and very moving look at a family dealing with autism, written by the real-life single mother of an autistic child. I have been moved by the content of your blog, and would very much like to send you a copy for your review.

In the course of her powerful novel, Bauer examines the realities of autism through both the parents’and the child’s perspective, and looks too at the differences between how families dealt with problems like this in the 1950s compared to how they deal with them today. I’m extremely proud of this novel for its obvious literary merits, but also for its ability to engage this subject with such sensitivity, intelligence, and insight.

Lynn Kern Koegel, Ph. D., cofounder of the Autism Research Center at the University of California, Santa Barbara, and coauthor of Overcoming Autism, has said this about Bauer’s novel: “A Wild Ride Up the Cupboards brilliantly and entertainingly portrays a family’s emotional turbulence and the painful fact that much of a parent’s life is fully and completely consumed with the stress and emotional trauma of having an atypical child in our society. Ann Bauer’s gift of empathy clearly shines throughout the pages of this novel.”

If you are interested in reciving a copy of the book for review, please contact me and I will arrange to have one sent.


Kristen Giorgio
Marketing Manager, Scribner & Touchstone/Fireside
Phone 212-698-7161