Sunday, February 24, 2008

Dear still have a fever......

last night it climbed back up to 102.9. I gave you Motrin and it went back to 101.6 before you went to bed. Today it is still 101.6 so I guess that is progress!

You are coughing a lot still....but I can't say a am I! I have that annoying tickle type cough which is probably what you also have. So it sounds like a doctor's office in here.

I know you still do not feel very well because you look sick and you don't even want fresh-baked chocolate chip cookies or really anything else much to eat.

I hope and pray you can take the antibiotic easier today and you can keep it down. If not we may have to go get something different.

I think I need to lie down myself. I love you Noah. Hoping and praying you feel better soon. Next week is the week you were supposed to sing in the concert at Memorial Hall. The class was to walk 2 different days during school to Memorial Hall to rehearse. I don't understand why in this weather they cannot get a bus driver to drive everyone there. There is no way I am going to let you walk 3 blocks in below 20 degree weather with pneumonia. AND I don't even know if you will be better by then. It all depends on your fever. I will probably have to end up taking you to the doctor to get a recheck and another x-ray and a note to take to school to release you. WHICH means I will probably have to make a trip over to the school to pick up assignments for you to do here at home. AND if you miss too many days I am not sure about the concert. I thought it would be very nice for you to be able to sing in it seemed excited about it. So we will just wait and see how things go.

Rest your little body my little man....I love you!



Patty said...

Listen to Mommy Noah, and make sure you get plenty of rest. Aunt Melissa said Audrey fell asleep last night around 7 and didn't wake up until around 7 this morning. So she must have been really tired. She had something about a week ago. So it probably takes a while to get completely over it. So you rest, take your medicines and drink plenty of liquids so you will get well quicker. Love you

Anonymous said...

It is something grandpa had once. Mine was called Walking Pneumonia and it took a while to get over it once I knew I had it. I think you will be OK if you can get lots of rest.

Anonymous said...

My dear little man,

I offer prayers up to Him to touch your body and begin the healing process. Get the needed rest that you and your body so need. You look so frail but I do know you will get better. I love you so very much and pray for your health
Love Daddy.
