Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Dear Noah: traffic lights

So you have become somewhat enamoured by traffic lights. I mean you are still so into maps...highways...interstates......roadways............road signs......besides your house plans.....but now you are also into TRAFFIC LIGHTS. You have become a walking encyclopedia of traffic lights and information about them. You know the history of them....all the different can spend HOURS AND ENTIRE DAYS if I let you....studying traffic lights.......reading on them......watching videos about them......over and over........

You have now expanded to more than just the U.S. traffic lights. You are studying the WORLD's traffic lights. You even found a program to MAKE YOUR OWN traffic lights and highway signs.

what more can I say? You are amazing. Last night you discovered you could make traffic lights with your LEGOS! so now you are making 3-dimensional models of all the different types of traffic lights. truly is......all the information you know blows me away!

i love you


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