Sunday, September 11, 2005

Dear Noah:

We made it to church today. They did a special service to honor our local firefighters and policemen, though for some reason the actual officers did not come into the sanctuary...only stayed outside. Except for the colors....there were 4 firemen who came in and brought in the flags for that.

Otherwise you did exceptional again. We walked inside and saw Pastor Stan. He said hello and you showed him your Bible. He asked if you had a favorite chapter and you immediately found the story of the crucifixion of Christ. You are so interested in all Jesus stories and the Bible, etc. It is amazing how much you already know!

You are in the bedroom reading Bible stories now and want me to come in and read more to you. SO I will. Daddy is in there right now. You have been bustling around the house singing "blessed be the name of the Lord!" over and over. So sweet.

BUT you did super at church. Stayed in your seat. No moving around. You looked at your Bible the entire time. When the pastor talked about Noah's ark you turned in your Bible to that story.

Next week you have school along with speech therapy and occupational therapy. Should be a busy week. AND I think Daddy is going to take off work a few days.



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