You are still home from school and will remain out of school today too. Yesterday you spent most of your time coughing, reading and sleeping. I feel bad for you because I had 2 days of nonstop coughing myself so I know how exhausting and annoying it can be! Even the cough medicine only helps for a short time.
Yesterday you did take a lot of naps....finding your own music to listen to from your computer as you rested. You have also been doing a lot of reading. I have been getting more CHAPTER books for you from the local library and you have been devouring them. The first one you ever read it took you awhile to get through it......but NOW you are really into them and breeze through them. Yesterday you grabbed your Bible and read the ENTIRE THING! I watched you....in fact I went into your room with a book of my own and read on your bed while you read. I saw you reading.....and you read some to me....we read mostly to ourselves. You read all 421 PAGES of that and then read a 68-page chapter book!
I am going to have you type out a book log to turn into school when you go back.
You got some get-well cards in the mail and online. You immediately said you needed to send a REPLY to one you received from cousin Audrey. SO it is ready for the mailman today and unless we get out (it is snowing like crazy here again).....we may just let Mr. Mailman take it with him when he delivers our mail today.
On another note, I hope you get to feeling much much better soon. AND for my family who reads this it is doubtful Noah will do his solo in the concert on Thursday. I will keep you posted but that is tomorrow and the weather and roads up here are really bad and he can't stop coughing. He said he would not be upset if he misses it.
Noah you have already put in a request for me to spend more time in your room keeping you company while you read or play on your PC. I said YES of course. This reminds me of days when we got to spend a lot of time together when I homeschooled you all the time. I miss that. I want to do some homeschooling with you all the time even if you go to public school so we need to work on that. BUT not while you are sick. Now we just spend time watching videos together....reading together....maybe playing games together once you are up to it. SO far we have both only been up to doing quiet/sleepy things like watching movies and reading. I guess because we can rest at the same time (while we are hacking our heads off).
I love you Noah...SMOOCHES!