Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Dear Noah......we are on a level 2 Snow Emergency so far.....

it has been snowing a lot since yesterday....and is expected to continue until at least tonight.   I figured since I shovel I better get out there and do some shoveling to keep ahead of the accumulation as we already had 10 inches on top of what was already out there.  It is still coming down....I posted a bunch of snow photos on my photography blog but here are a couple too:





Yesterday was another trying day here at home for  you as far as school was concerned.  You worked with your teacher online in her classroom for an hour.  It was nice to have a break and let someone else handle it for a bit.  I have decided to try you on the same schedule I am on.....and break down your lessons so they are less likely to overwhelm you.  You cried at the drop of a hat yesterday....over anything and everything.  You have been over the top emotional lately.  

So we will break the lessons down and spend a lot longer on each lesson.....and incorporate more "supplemental" hours to the school weeks so your actual true curriculum time will be reduced and this will hopefully make it easier for you to handle.   I have my work cut out for me.

I love you will likely be a pajama day for you.   You had occupational therapy on Monday and speech therapy on Tuesday and we stocked up at the store.  AND now since I am sitting here waiting for work to come in we will just go ahead and do some school work now instead of later.





Betsy Brock said...

We're having a pajama day, too! Stay warm!!

kristi said...

Wow...looks cold! Hope things get better on the schooling!

Anonymous said...

Grandma and grandpa Lincoln also got a lot of snow and ice. Melissa stayed home after getting stuck in the driveway. Audrey stayed home after her school was cancelled. Melissa baked a chocolate cake and Audrey made some SOS for our lunch. Hope you are OK and warm.

Patty said...

Well we got the driveway cleared and the sidewalks pretty good, not completely, but no one is going to be walking on them anyway.

Audrey was in her nightgown until she found out her Mommy and I wre going out to clear the driveway and she got dressed fast so she could go out to.

Love you, keep warm and have a good evening.