Thursday, November 27, 2008

thinking of you grandpa ...on this early Thanksgiving morning...

My grandfather, Noah's great grandfather passed away early on Thanksgiving morning about 5 years ago. As the day begins I cannot help but think about him and grandma too...this picture was taken on November 10, I believe the same year he passed away....or it may have been a year prior. BUT I believe it was the same at that time he was still able to get around on his own a bit....but the few days before Thanksgiving he had a few spells and he was then no longer able to move around on his own. His heart was in bad shape but grandma kept grandpa at home and took care of him for as long as she could. They also thought he had Alzheimer's.

On Wednesday afternoon prior to Thanksgiving Thursday they finally had to take him to a nursing home...he did not even make it for 24 hours. Early in the wee hours the next morning he passed on. I know grandma felt horrible about having to put him in a nursing home but she could no longer care for him at their home. I know he did not want to be there either. I mean who does really?

BUT I remember happier days and times......and how mischievous he was his entire life.

Gone from this earth but not forgotten......we're thinking of you this morning grandpa C.

We love you!

Melinda and Noah


Angie at Home said...

Yes I took that picture when we were leaving. Although Grandpa didn't really talk, and Grandma had to feed him his dinner, he seemed to enjoy our visit. He even came out on the front porch and waved.

I thought about Grandpa too this morning.

Happy Turkey Day!

Osh said...

I miss my grandparents so much during the years, but most on Thanksgiving. They held the holiday and the family together.


Wanda said...

What a delightful picture... I didn't know my grandparents... One of the sad things in my life.

Maybe that's why I'm so determined to be a good grandma...

Patty said...

Very nice story you posted. And he definitely did have Alzheimer's. I think Mom was just finally getting over missing him so much when Michael Jr's accident happened and took him from her. He had just turned 43 in July. She thinks she took up too much of his time this summer with him painting her house. I told her he wanted to do it, and they got to spend some good times together over lunch, just the two of them. Love you