We went to the drive-in last night. WOW the weather was perfect for it. It was in the high 60s.....NO humidity! JUST PERFECT clear beautiful night! Stars in the sky overhead....
We saw Toy Story 3..and it was really good. I love how you really get into the movies now and laugh and giggle at the funny parts. You can sit very well now for the most part for an entire movie. We had a great time. Of course your highlight would have been if I allowed you to go FILM the toilets in the bathroom....but we did not even go to the bathroom at the Drive-In last night.
My birthday is fast approaching along with the 4th of July. We have some summertime activities planned and I guess we better get BUSY doing them....not much summer left! It is going by so quickly!
I love you Noah..so much. Thanks for going to the Drive-In with me and enjoying it as much as I do! We also saw some amazing trailers for upcoming movies...such as Legend of the Guardians and Smurf'd! They look awesome! Especially that first one!
Well..I need to get back to work!