You came out the other day...and all the little blood vessels under your nose and around your mouth and under your chin were when someone vomits really had what looked like a purplish/blue hue on your beard area...and I could not figure out what you had done. Then all of a sudden the light went on in your head and you remembered what you went to the kitchen and got a snack cup...which you use all the time for snacks....and you brought it back in and demonstrated to me....saying..."I guess I did this too much!"
and here is what I saw....

you are a stinker....and I do recall seeing you all the time sitting around with these cups sucked up to your face. SO I told you should probably stop doing that ..and find something else to do ...cause you are bruising your face!
I love you crack me up sometimes.
Too funny.
Too Funny!
too funny!
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