Saturday, September 05, 2009

Dear Noah: heading into Labor Day Weekend......

this past week schooling went pretty well. I am excited because this year you will also have an opportunity to meet virtually with other teachers and kids in classes online! You are going to do a writing class and math class and digital storytelling class all online with other teachers and kids. While you don't seem as excited as I am...once online and in the classroom you do become more receptive and open up more. You have a hard time sitting through some of it...seeming to become bored pretty quickly.

Otherwise we have incorporated a couple of mandatory weekly family nights into our routine. We have a MOVIE night and a GAME night....and those have been going really well. You chose Monopoly for our last game night and you unfortunately lost. That was the first time we have ever finished a game! It went quick....once I got Boardwalk and you landed on it after I had 3 houses on it and did not have money to pay up. I think it lasted about an hour which is usually our cut off point anyway.

You are still hoping your dad will pop in for a visit soon. I keep telling you there has been no indication to me he is planning on this. But you hold out hope constantly.

I cannot believe we are into September already and you already have over 85 hours of school clocked in for the year!

Otherwise we will work on some art this weekend. We head to grandma and grandpa L's house this Sunday for a birthday/Labor day bash for your cousin.

I love you.......very much!


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