Monday, October 15, 2007

Monday updates....

Well the neighbor girls came back on Sunday with their parents to load up their final load to move. I let Noah go outside and play with the girls in the front and backyard. A couple of times the girls had to go inside and he was very worried he would not be able to say goodbye forever to them. I handed him a piece of paper with his name, address and phone number to give to the girls telling them to write him sometime. I also told him since he was learning to write letters in school he could practice really well by writing letters to the girls and mailing them to their former address. The mail would get forwarded and hopefully once they had time they would write back and he could have fun writing back and forth. It was very bittersweet when it came time to give hugs and say goodbye. BUT Noah did very well knowing he could still write and stay in touch.

Life is very interesting to me as it unfolds. The circumstances in one's life can change sometimes without much notice or warning....but the timing of it all is impeccable, even when we do not think so. Things occur always at just the right time...and things always happen for reasons. Sometimes we do not see or understand those reasons until much later on when more pieces of the grand puzzle fall into place.

I strongly believe all these changes in our lives right now.....the girls bringing home that cat.......and even more I will not go into here......are truly preparing us for the next chapter in our lives. I finally decided to climb out of the pit of despair and not be part of the problem anymore but part of the writing down exactly things needing to be addressed and then seeking solutions to them. FINDING the solutions has been fun so far and realizing that there ARE solutions out there offers tremendous hope. It allows us to see more of the puzzle ...sometimes even before other pieces have fallen into place. This is a very exciting time in our lives. BIG changes are ahead and Noah and I are looking forward to them with much enthusiasm!

I love you Noah......very much!



Drama Mama said...

I love how uplifting the last part of this post is.

Sending you love and light --

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy everything is turning out for the best for the both of you. Good luck sweetie in what ever it is you are planning and I hope your plans are all able to be worked through and have a very happy ending. Love you both very much. Have a good evening. Don't forget, Dancing With The Stars tonight.

Melinda said...

aw thanks drama mama!

Thanks Mom!

Anonymous said...

All sounds good. Glad the little girls took it so well too. I hope the people who move in are nice neighbors too.

Anonymous said...

You are so inspirational and positive,, something brings me back to this blog everyday, to hear how your little man is doing,, I am so happy he had come so far,, and look forward to reading about his journey,, really gives me hope as I have a 6yr beautiful little boy myself,,

Melinda said...

thanks for the visit dad.

Thank you very much BCM's mom! Feedback like yours proves to me this blog can offer hope and some inspiration to others! ;)